BatalA Encontro Mundial 2024 | Debrecen – Hungary

August 16 - 21

Encontro Mundial 2024 starts in








Encontro Mundial 2024 | Debrecen – Hungary

We are happy to host the 2024 Encontro Mundial and celebrate Batala Austria’s 15th anniversary with you. The event takes place at the Virágkarnevál – the Flower Carnival – in Debrecen, Hungary, one week before Notting Hill Carnival. You will have four days of gigs, workshops, parties and the participation at the Carnival’s parade. Batala Mundo Guests (Mestre Giba, Farida, Stavros, Karine and more) will be joining us in this great celebration.


Friday, 16th


Saturday, 17th

  • Workshop with Veko and Mestre Giba, 09:00 am – 13:00 pm
  • 3-4 smaller gigs in the afternoon, players will get alloted
  • Batala Party, starting at 08:00 pm

Sunday, 18th

  • Workshop with Farida and Mestre Giba, 09:00 am – 13:00 pm
  • Meeting with directors and callers, 04:00 pm
  • International party with all participants of the Carnival in the evening

Monday, 19th

  • Big gig with all players in the afternoon/evening

Tuesday, 20th

  • Main parade with all players in the morning, until 12:00 pm
  • Stadion gig with a big group of players in the afternoon
  • Smaller parade with all players in the evening, until 08:00 pm

Wednesday, 21st


The program is not fixed yet. More details included more exact times will be published soon. Please keep in mind, that some activites can change very shortly. Stay tuned, don’t miss important messages via our Whatsapp group or the facebook group or ask other players.

Set List

1. Batala Hey
2. Direto
3. Raça Humana
4. Tubarao (Shark)
5. Funk
6. Reggaelá
7. Pirata
8. 0-5 (Cortejando Piraja)
9. Perdida/Brest/Mulher (V.W.X.) / Oya
10. Yesterday in Athens
11. One Love
12. Domingo
13. Cavalo Doido
14. Fazenda
15. Encontro
16. Chatillon
17. Lilu
18. Confusão
19. Chuva
20. Alcazaba
21. Avião
22. Gladiator
23. Campeão – Búzio
24. Sombreiro
25. Tempestade
26. X-Mas 2022
27. X-Mas 2023
28. Arcoiris (new Choreo)
29. Norte (UK)
30. Madrid (2024) (New Farida Coreo)
31. La Rochelle (2024) (new Choreo)


The accommodation offered includes multiple dormitories designed to house six individuals. Each dormitory is equipped with two separate triple rooms, including shared bathroom facilities.

You will get breakfast, lunch and dinner at the accomodation’s site every day, beginning with dinner on 16th and ending with breakfast at 21st.

Here ist a link to the accomodation (please DO NOT book there by yourself)

Please indicate in the registration form whether you wish to reserve a bed there or not.

Coach from Budapest to Debrecen and back

To facilitate your travel, there will be coaches available on August 16th for transportation from Budapest airport to Debrecen, and on August 21st for the return trip from Debrecen to Budapest. The cost of using the coaches is already included in the fee.
Please note that the exact departure times have not been finalized yet. We will do our best to schedule them based on the arrival times at the airport.

Kindly indicate in the registration form whether you would like to reserve a seat on the coaches or not.


We made every effort to supply instruments to all those in need. Unfortunately, due to exceptionally high demand, we are unable to offer any additional drums for lending during the Encontro. Please refrain from making drum requests through e-mails, comments or using any other communication channel, as Batala Austria does not have any additional drums available.

Costs & payment

The participation cost for the event is EUR 83 (Basic)

Any bank charges incurred during the transfer must be paid by the participant.
Very important: only individual payments will be accepted, and group payments will not be processed.
It is essential to provide the participant’s name, the name of the band, and the event name when making the money transfer.
For example: “Bugs Bunny – Batala XXXXX/Encontro Mundial 2024”.

Bank account information

Batala Austria Band Accounts
Bank name: Erste Bank
Bank address: Hietzinger Hauptstraße 4, 1130 Vienna, Austria
Bank account name: Bianca Kotesovec
IBAN: AT45 2011 1847 2529 1300

Bianca Kotesovec address: Stranzenberggasse 14/13, 1130 Wien, Austria
Payment mail for the event:

FAQ & Contact

For further information please take a look into our Frequently Asked Questions. Please give special attention to our Terms and Conditions. We kindly ask you to read it carefully.

If you have any questions which are not answered by reading this page and the FAQ, or if you want to tell us something, please contact us directly via email to

Feel free to join our Facebook Event Group:
After registering, you will receive a link to join the WhatsApp group. Both the group and this website will provide you with up-to-date information, especially leading up to and during the event. Additionally, this website will be regularly updated.

Registration deadline is the 31st of May

The event has a strict participant limit of 210, so be sure to register promptly to secure your spot!

All spots are currently filled. If you still register, we will place you on the waiting list. Please do not make any payments yet. We will email you with more information about how to proceed soon after receiving your registration form.